A Quick Guide to Event Attendance Tracking


Coordinating a large event comes with a variety of questions, including how to track attendance. Event attendance tracking helps organizers to better plan their event setup and meet demands for local safety laws concerning occupancy.

At Evey Events, we can meet your event-tracking needs and provide you with the services you require to create unforgettable memories for your guests, as well as useful information about the tracking process. 

What Is Event Attendance Tracking For? 

A Quick Guide To Event Attendance Tracking

Tracking attendance for your next event involves more than simply counting heads. Tracking ties into other important data analysis and offers helpful information for: 

  • Projecting your returns versus investment 
  • Increasing sponsor confidence 
  • Improving accuracy of security and safety needs 

This type of data is especially important if you are a first-time planner and want to learn how to track attendance at an event to avoid the issues that can sometimes plague coordinators. 

Why Do You Need Attendance Tracking? 

Some past events are legendary not for their success but for their absolute failure because of poor planning. One such example is Dashcon 2014. This event was meant to bring together users of the social media platform Tumblr.

However, it was so poorly planned and mismanaged that event-goers and special guests found themselves without lodging or financial compensation. Many left, and the inexperienced coordinators found themselves on the hook for unpaid hotel bills. 

The failure of Dashcon 2014 is a clear demonstration of the importance of event attendance tracking. The event only drew a tiny fraction of the expected numbers, which caused many speakers and special guests to cancel. Such problems at any event can stain an event’s reputation, especially when eventgoers review the problems in real time over social media.

Our experienced coordinators at Evey Events can prevent such issues and handle your event logistics, no matter the theme. 

How Does Attendance Tracking Work? 

Event attendance tracking software helps you to plan your event with greater confidence and ease. Our software tracks your event analytics in real time, allowing you to communicate data to vendors, guests and keynote speakers. 

Our software also allows you to track projected attendance numbers as you plan, which gives you greater control of many aspects of an event, such as security needs for the event location and for guest speakers.

As you track your event’s attendance numbers, the data you receive via our software allows you to increase or decrease space and management personnel. 

What Are the Benefits of Attendance Tracking for Eventgoers? 

Learning how to track attendance at events benefits your eventgoers as well as other companies involved. Today’s attendees use smartphone technology to research, buy and receive their tickets electronically and usually expect these services when they first go in search of ticket availability. 

Evey Events software allows you to offer your eventgoers a variety of technology that allows them to streamline their ticket-buying and check-in experience, including: 

  • QR purchasing codes 
  • Real-time ticket processing information 
  • Improved communication with other attendees 
  • Improved engagement with mobile users 

These streamlined services increase customer satisfaction, as noted in the Evey Events case study for English as a Foreign Language Japan. The benefits it created for everyone involved in EFL Japan made for more streamlined events with fewer problems associated with event attendance. 

How Does Event Tracking Affect Marketing?

One of the most vital aspects of creating an event is how to handle your marketing. Event attendance tracking can help you gauge the impact of your ad campaign. Each of the following factors can improve or enhance the success of your marketing when you track event attendance. 

Social Media Marketing 

Using attendance tracking can help you create a marketing campaign for social media that reaches a larger audience. Tracking across multiple platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, along with easy-to-use codes and links for your eventgoers, makes for more widespread sharing once you announce your event. 

Targeted Event Ads 

Event attendance tracking allows you to create more targeted ads so you reach the audience you want to attract. As attendance numbers rise, reaching out to individuals who share the same interests via social media hashtags and video ads can help you fine-tune your marketing strategies. 

More Accurate ROI Projections

As an event coordinator, gauging your return on investment is key to the success of future engagements. ROI value factors usually vary per event, such as: 

  • Any sponsorship you gained 
  • Ticket and merchandise sales 
  • A further reach for brand recognition

Attendance tracking for any event can improve your ROI and give you greater confidence when it comes to planning future events. 

How Does Tracking Event Attendance Improve Site Security? 

Planning an event that includes special guests or keynote speakers can generate plenty of excitement for your attendees. Celebrity guests, such as those who appear at fandom-driven events, often cause large crowds that could become a security issue.

Event attendance tracking can solve this problem by allowing you to project how many security personnel you require on each individual event day.

Tracking the number of expected attendees for your event can also provide your guest speakers with added security when needed, such as in an event space like a convention hall. Your special guests may feel more secure when they have trained personnel to help them move about the event space and during live Q&A panels. 

The Future Impact of Attendance Tracking

Using software to track the number of attendees at an event creates better brand recognition, greater consumer confidence and positive feedback on social media once the event concludes. Coverage for event space vs. those attending and hiring enough security for the site avoids gaps in these vital areas.

Eventgoer feedback can also help you improve in areas where there is a marked need for change in all aspects of customer service, from checking in online to attending the event itself. 

Event attendance tracking makes for a streamlined and well-organized event that results in customer satisfaction and positive feedback that supports future events. Contact us for further information and assistance today and streamline the organization of your future events. 

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