How To Invite Vendors to an Event


As a business owner, how do you invite vendors to an event the right way? Vendors are the lifeblood of many successful business and the promotional events they put on. They add an element of excitement and diversity, enhancing the attendee experience. Learn how to strategically contact these potential partners and craft the ideal experience for your attendees.

How To Invite Vendors to an Event in a Professional Way

How to invite vendors to an event in a professional way.

Being professional means understanding your event’s needs and what you offer potential vendors. You can’t start sending emails until you know what you need from the partnership, a process that requires careful consideration. Understanding your event’s needs and what you offer will empower you to make confident invitations.

To craft a professional invitation, you want to personalize it and provide essential details, including:

  • Brief event overview (name, date, time, location, and description)
  • Vendor expectations (participation details, applicable fees, and required setup)
  • Invitation to learn more (follow-up request, vendor application link)

This initial contact should come from a recognizable and trusted source, not a personal email. Use your company or event website email, something the vendor will recognize at a glance. If you don’t have a company email, you can change the “From” label on your email client settings, specifying [Your Name] or [Your Company Name]. Use a brand image and color scheme in the email to increase recognition, if possible.

How To Write a Catchy Invitation

Catchy writing helps when inviting vendors to your event.

Knowing how to invite vendors to an event starts with a catchy subject line that stands out in a crowded inbox. A great way to encourage a positive open rate is by focusing on vendor benefits:

  • Elevate Your Business: Be Part of [Event Name]
  • Boost Your Income: Vendor Opportunity at [Event Name]

The body of your invitation should be concise and highlight the event and value proposition for the vendor. Highlight what the vendor can expect from participating, such as target market exposure, networking opportunities, and sales. You can discuss the possibility of preferred vendor status with future events and venues.

If possible, include a visual from a past event to showcase your event’s atmosphere. The visuals should not overwhelm the message of the email. A video may be a better option because it can provide a more immersive view of the event and audience.

Finally, you want to close with a clear call to action. The call to action, or CTA, is essential because it tells the recipient what you want them to do next. It doesn’t need to be long; a few words are enough. Some examples of succinct CTAs include:

  • Visit our vendor application page
  • Schedule a follow-up call
  • Reply to ask about this opportunity

A catchy email should focus on providing essential information in a concise package. You don’t need to create a 1,000-word sales letter. A couple hundred words explaining the event and highlighting the vendor benefits are enough, especially when tied together with clear instructions at the end.

How To Invite a Vendor to an Event While Showcasing Benefits and Skill

By learning how to invite vendors to an event with a polished and informative approach, you showcase your professionalism and attention to detail. For a seamless event experience and to further enhance your vendor relationships, consider partnering with a robust event management platform like Evey Events — check out our pricing packages for more information.

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